How To Become A Member
Membership in this Society requires a donation to the Rotary Foundation of $5,000 US in a single Rotary year. Our Members receive a White Hat Certificate, a White Hat pin marked with a Southwestern Concho provided at no cost by Russell-Hampton, an email subscription to the White Hat newsletter, and an invitation to the annual White Hat celebration held in major cities around the world.
Donations on behalf of the White Hat Society must be made directly through the member’s own Club, District, or Foundation account in the usual manner. No funds should ever be sent to the Society. Donations must represent new contributions to the Foundation and not ‘Points’. Once the $5,000 level has been reached in a Rotary year, simply notify the Society to receive the membership kit. Donors should notify The White Hat Chairman, PDG Ed Mullen of District 5870, ed.mullen@taptrain.com, 254-698-2304 of their contributions and status. We operate on the principles of the Four-Way Test, so your word is good enough.
WH members need NOT make a donation every year. One gets you into the Society. However, for each subsequent $5,000 donation a new pin, emblazoned with additional Conchos, and a new certificate reflecting the elevated status is earned. Simply report the additional donations to the Society. Spouses and Partners may jointly receive the Honors unless each chooses to make a separate $5,000 donation.
Donations may take any form accepted by the Foundation and may be applied to any of the Foundation’s programs. Those donations applied to the Annual Fund count toward Paul Harris Fellowships and Major Donor status in the usual way.